a realist who likes to dream. carving out a niche for myself in the world... word by word.

September 23, 2011


I have a strange obsession with convincing my friends to be obsessed with the same things I am. Does that make sense? Who cares because I'm about to convince you to become obsessed with the MTV show, "Awkward." I know you started shaking your head and maybe even tuned out altogether when MTV was mentioned, but trust me, as someone who normally does the exact same thing, "Awkward" is well worth your time and even admitting that you do watch MTV willingly.

"Awkward" is the perfect mix of teenage angst, fast-moving, mostly abbreviated dialogue, quirkiness, on-the-edge-of-your-seat-romance, and music you've never heard, but think you might just like. The maze of faces that the main character, Jenna, goes through as she tries to analyze the awkwardness around her is enough to make you want more; and since episodes are only 30 minutes long with commercial breaks, you'll be left wanting much more. That's how I was hooked. Now, I look forward to the next episode, which incidentally is the hour-long Season Finale, with a fierceness that could be called maniacal and, of course, obsessive. Told ya. Tune in next Tuesday, yes, on MTV to see what I'm blabbering about, and I think you will have a similar obsession no matter your age or gender. If not, I feel awkward... 

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