a realist who likes to dream. carving out a niche for myself in the world... word by word.

August 16, 2011


More often than not, I find myself lost these days... lost in thought, lost in the car, lost in my relationship, lost in life. Sad, but, nevertheless, true. I thought that over twenty years in this world and four years of living on my own would at least shed some light on my purpose. I hate to say that it is the polar opposite. I am twenty-one, a senior in college, and, quite frankly, I've never felt so lost in my life.

The more you know, the less you are certain of. At least, that's true in my case. In the past, I was certain of almost everything. Everything is hazy now, a contradiction, a circumstance with no right and no wrong. I'm just here, being. This must be the part in the movie when some one asks for a sign. This is my plea for a sign.