Going through my box of cards from birthdays, Valentine's, Christmas's, and everything in between. It really is touching to see years of love stowed away in words. Here are some favorites...
"SEEK what the heart craves, what dreams reveal.
FIND what matters.
FACE what lingers.
EMBRACE what fuels the soul."
[Chloe, I had so much fun this past week with you and am looking forward to being a part of your "everyday" life. Congratulations! You've got a sister! - Emily]
May 31, 2004
"Always do what you believe God wants you to do. Not what others do. You are special. Always believe in and know yourself. I will love you no matter what you choose." - Sherry
December 25, 2007
"As I watch you grow up and become your own person, I look at you
your laughter
your happiness
your simplicity
your beauty
and I know that you will be able to enjoy a life
of sensitivity
and love.
I want to tell you that I am so proud of you and I dearly love you.
Happy Holidays, My Beautiful Daughter." - Momma
April 13, 2009
"We can't give you Robert Pattinson, but we can give you this card which is redeemable for 2 Coldplay tickets at the Verizon Music Center on May 18th 2009. Happy 19th Birthday! We love you, Daddy and Beth"
"Hi Chloe,
I saw this card and thought of you...
I am running out of room so most of all 'Chloe, Romie's Precious'"- Roma
April 8, 2008
"C is for your crazy cool personality!
H is for how happy I am to have you for a sister!
L is for your 'loveable' snuggling!
O is for your obnoxiously rocking fashion sense!
E is for having the coolest sister ever - Emily!
I heart you so MUCH, and hope you have a kick-ass b'day in Italy!" - Emily... last minute love
"If you weren't my
daughter, something
very special would be missing, because having you was one of the
best things that ever happened to me. Happy Birthday with Love, Dad, Beth, Nicholas, Sydney, Ava, Myra"
April 13, 2009
"Happy birthday to the best big sister in the whole world!!! We love you, Nicholas, Sydney M, Ava, Myra"
February 14, 2003
"Dear Daughter,
You truly are a dear daughter. Precious and beautiful. How lucky I am to have the gift of you in my life. I love watching you grow and change and discover. I'm amazed by how smart and creative and capable you are. How your mind is filled with so many awesome dreams and ideas. Do you know how incredible you are? I wish for you wonderful life adventures, forever kind of friendships and opportunities to pursue your greatest passions. I wish for people to be gentle with your heart. While I can't promise you a trouble-free journey, I can tell you that
strength is born amidst the struggles and disappointment. My heart aches when I see you sad or hurting. I don't know if you know how often I pray for you... for your guidance and wisdom and protection. I realize, too, that we don't get along all the time. I want so much the best for you, and it's hard for me to let go sometimes. My love for you is just that
great. I'm so proud of you for
who you are. I want you to feel proud of you, too.
from head-to-toe tip, you are my dear, dear daughter. " - Momma